The prices for the genuine article are from a couple of hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on sizes and horns patterns. To save money you can make use of your hunting trophy, if there is a possibility. Just clean it inside and outside with oil soap, spray with a clear polyurethane finish several times and make holes with a drill for wires and lamps. To make it rightly, look for more detailed instruction.
Here is foremost science on chandelier design. We have the cool resources for chandelier design. Check it out for yourself! You can get Whitetail Deer Antler Chandeliers guide and see the latest Original Deer Antler Chandelier in here.
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If you’re decorating your baby’s room, think about getting one of the nursery floor lamps for it. Those may be quite handy, especial when it comes to late night feedings or diaper changes. You may place one of them near the rocking chair and turn it on when you want […]
The entryway light fixtures are very important in the general lighting of the house, because you spend here much time, even if you do not notice this. By the way, when the guests come to visit you, first of all they come into the entryway and this is the first […]
When it comes to artistic, yet simple and classy lighting fixture, tripod floor lamps are probably one of the best options to choose. They may definitely become a centerpiece of any room. Just imagine one of them standing on a light grey carpet beside a white coffee table or a […]