The prices for the genuine article are from a couple of hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on sizes and horns patterns. To save money you can make use of your hunting trophy, if there is a possibility. Just clean it inside and outside with oil soap, spray with a clear polyurethane finish several times and make holes with a drill for wires and lamps. To make it rightly, look for more detailed instruction.
Here is needful data on chandelier design. We have the prime method for chandelier design. Check it out for yourself! You can find Deer Antler Chandelier Kits guide and look the latest Original Deer Antler Chandelier in here.
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Nowadays, many managers pay a big attention to qualitative office light fixtures. It is known, for a long time, that the illumination affects human mood and health and raises the work efficiency, so good bosses are interested in a well-lit. The bulbs on the job place must be bright and […]
Last years, T8 light fixtures became quite famous. They were created in 1930, but got a wide use only 50 years after. These luminaires are convenient for private and industrial premises. There are some differences between lamps sizes and principals of operation. The most asked-for are T8 and T12 tubes. […]
Today lantern light fixtures are used both indoor and outdoor, because they have elegant design and high illumination qualities. They give a good opportunity to divide the space of the room. They help to change the interior of the room and make positional lightning to concentrate attention on certain things. Hanging […]