The prices for the genuine article are from a couple of hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on sizes and horns patterns. To save money you can make use of your hunting trophy, if there is a possibility. Just clean it inside and outside with oil soap, spray with a clear polyurethane finish several times and make holes with a drill for wires and lamps. To make it rightly, look for more detailed instruction.
Here is needful clue on chandelier design. We have the greatest source for chandelier design. Check it out for yourself! You can find Deer Antler Chandelier With Crystals guide and look the latest Original Deer Antler Chandelier in here.
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Farmhouse light fixtures are used not only to create a comfortable atmosphere, but also to make an accent on the style of the room. Everything depends on your taste and creativity. As a rule the ceiling is high in the farmhouse, so it will be acceptable to use big ceiling lamps. […]
Diy crystal chandelier and keep in mind that the product should organically fit into the interior, combined with the style of the room and its color scheme. Chandelier has long assigned the role of status and interior accessories. Someone gets a luster, made in the style of it is suitable to […]
Vintage light fixtures as well as other its items perfectly fit for the task of creating old interior or combining them with the existing elements. Nowadays, the vintage is again popular and many people have things related to the age of their parents. No wonder, these days old-fashioned and artificially […]