?> Vintage Light Fixtures – Interweaving the Old with the New | Light Fixtures Design Ideas

Which of the Vintage Light Fixtures is Better for You?

Vintage Exterior Light Fixtures

Vintage light fixtures as well as other its items perfectly fit for the task of creating old interior or combining them with the existing elements. Nowadays, the vintage is again popular and many people have things related to the age of their parents. No wonder, these days old-fashioned and artificially worn out décor parts can be found almost in any house. In addition, the era is famous for its designing materials – natural textures and materials, fabrics and accessories, contrary to today’s manufacturing.

However, you are not likely to found fully decorated in this style house, but small items as vintage brass light fixtures and some other ones of metal are quite widespread. Besides, small fixture can be done on your own.

Industrial Vintage Lighting Fixtures

However, identity elements can often be seen, designers recommend being absolutely careful in choosing decorations. You may use almost anything on the way of getting something from the style, but remember – vintage style light fixtures are old and look the same, which impose certain limitation on any experiment. First, you need to artificially worn out the material, otherwise the result will be disappointing.

Well, if you are not willing to turn to diy way, you should know what other items can be used for lighting in this style. Therefore, it can be crystal chandeliers, forged candlesticks and vintage wall light fixtures, for example with fabric shades. Pay careful attention on color range – everything looks light; shades of brown, pink, blue are used. For example, combining an exquisite pearl-gray palette and adding thereto a graphite and white allows to get a real aristocratic interior. In this case, vintage emphasis is barely marked and appears in the light scuff of gilding, network of elaborately made on the wall cracks, old floor.

No wonder, people love these old decorations – romanticizing the past is an indispensable feature of any era.

Vintage Kitchen Light Fixtures

39 Photos of the Which of the Vintage Light Fixtures is Better for You?

Light Fixtures Vintage StyleVintage Bath Lighting FixturesVintage Porch Light FixturesVintage Brass Light FixturesVintage Kitchen Lighting FixturesVintage Track Lighting FixturesVintage Metal Light FixturesVintage Ceramic Light FixtureVintage Wall Lighting FixturesVintage Street Light FixturesVintage Pendant Light FixtureVintage Style Light FixturesVintage Garage Lighting FixturesVintage Looking Light FixturesVintage Hanging Light FixtureVintage Ceiling Lights Fixtures

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