At the place of production antlers are polished and painted. As a rule different hues of brown and grey colours are used to make them look more natural. Sometimes they are washed with varnish. Usually antler ceiling light fixtures are very heavy and that’s why manufacturers made very firm carcass and fasteners. This element of decoration does not require special care. You can only dust it with a special furniture polish or without it. And it will delight the eye for many years.
Here is necessary data on light fixtures decor. We have the world class resources for light fixtures decor. Check it out for yourself! You can discover Elk Antler Light Fixtures guide and read the latest Pros and Cons of Antler Light Fixtures in here.
Iron light fixtures have practical and decorative function at the same time. They have been popular in all times. Antique iron light fixtures were made of bronze (today this material is used only in expensive handmade things). They are usually made of latten, copper, alumina and different kinds of steel. […]
If you’re decorating your baby’s room, think about getting one of the nursery floor lamps for it. Those may be quite handy, especial when it comes to late night feedings or diaper changes. You may place one of them near the rocking chair and turn it on when you want […]
Glass globe chandelier should be in harmony with the pieces of furniture and decorative elements. To highlight the different rooms in the apartment you will require different types of lamps. For example, a functional kitchen requires clear and bright lights, and bedroom – scattered soft tone, promotes relaxation. The practical […]